Winner of the 2020 Austrain Booksellers’ Award for Tolerance in Thought and Action
winner of the 2020 Ehrenpreis des Österreichischen Buchhandels für Toleranz in Denken und Handeln Click here to watch the ceremony.
We Are Attempting To Survive Our Time
A. L. Kennedy’s new collection of stories show us women and men wrestling with the lives they have been given and the times spinning out around them. Humour, fantasy, rage and despair both help and hinder individuals as they navigate their changing circumstances, their accumulating losses, their moments of comprehension and tenderness. Hoping for a quiet day at the zoo, a woman finally snaps at a white man’s racist tirade and vents years of fury; an American micro-celebrity practises lines for a chat show on which he will never appear; a woman walks out of her honeymoon suite at midnight, perhaps for good; and, in the extraordinary ‘New Mexico’, the…
A Painting of My Favorite Shoes by Helen Wilson
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Upcoming anthology.